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The Institute of Human Resource Management was established in 1993, and is based in the College of Management at National Sun Yat-Sen University. In 1998 the Institute launched our Ph.D. Program. The doctoral program has now been operating successfully for over 20 years!


We have an experienced team of faculty, with a range of interests and specialisms. All our faculty are qualified to Ph.D. level and have experience advising and teaching research students. 


Our faculty teach and research a wide range of subjects within HRM, at both the organizational and individual level. Collectively, we have interests in a vast range of subjects, including the strategic and operational side of HR management, recruitment and selection, performance management, human resource development, training, as well as organizational behavior and work psychology (e.g. topics such as moods and emotions, work-place attitudes, individual and group behavior, stress and well-being). We also have a full-time dedicated administration team - who do a great job of keeping everything running smoothly! 

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Professor Nai-Wen Chi



  • The College of Management at NSYSU is an AACSB accredited research-oriented institution, and the first in Taiwan to receive such an accreditation.

  • AACSB accredit "the best business schools in the world". The AACSB state "The fundamental purpose of AACSB accreditation is to challenge business educators to pursue excellence and continuous improvement in their business programs. AACSB achieves this purpose by defining a set of rigorous criteria and standards, coordinating peer reviews and consultation, and recognizing high-quality business schools".
  • A school must undergo a continuous improvement review every five years to ensure they are evolving and improving over time. We have held the accreditation since 2005, successfully achieving re-accreditation in 2010, 2015 and again in 2019


      Click Here to View the AACS Website

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  • At the Institute of Human Resource Management we publish high quality research in international SSCI listed journals.

  • Our faculty have published in high ranked international SSCI journals, including: Journal of Management; Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology; International Journal of Human Resource Management; Journal of Vocational Behavior; Personnel Psychology; Journal of Organizational Behavior...and many more.

  • Our team of experienced faculty have advised many students over the years who have gone on to seek employment in academia and industry.

Researching and Writing



  • In addition to being highly committed to research and Ph.D. supervision, in the classroom we are dedicated to teaching the latest perspectives, debates and evidence based knowledge in HRM.

  • We work closely with HR practitioners and industry professionals to keep our students updated with the latest trends and practices in HR, from both a academic and practitioner perspective.

  • Our overall approach and high standards earn us the reputation as being one of the best places to study Human Resource Management in Asia.

  • We encourage Ph.D. students (especially those wishing to pursue an academic career) to participate in some teaching activities and develop skills in presenting to audiences.


      Click to Read About Our Ph.D. Program

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  • We have been successful in attracting  international applicants to our Ph.D. Program. As a consequence, we have a diverse international community of students from many different cultures and backgrounds.

  • During the Ph.D. program, students are encouraged to travel overseas to international conferences (to present work), learn new languages, and engage with the international research community.  We feel this is important preparation for life after graduation.

  • Our Ph.D. program can be completed in English or Chinese - we have a growing number of English taught Ph.D. level courses (relating to HRM and research methods) available to all our students. We have even been successful in attracting Ph.D. students from other departments in the University to our courses!

  • All of our faculty and staff members speak English.

Image by Kyle Glenn



  • National Sun Yat-sen University has a fairly unique campus facing Sizih Bay and the Taiwan Strait, bounded by the Longevity Hill and Mount Chai. The campus is conveniently accessed through a tunnel to downtown Kaohsiung.

  • Sizih Bay is one of the most famous scenic spots for water activities in Kaohsiung City and it is located right inside the campus. The beautiful sunset attracts students and tourists from all over the world.

  • There is a lot of history in and around our campus. Mount Chai (situated next to our campus) was previously part of a military base, but is now open to the public as a recreation park.

  • A variety of natural habitats with various plants and animals, especially the Formosan Rock Macaque, offer great recreational experiences for those who like to explore nature and wildlife.

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