In the first Ph.D. forum event of the new academic year, Professor McConville (Assistant Professor, Institute of HRM) presented some of his recent experiences - going from a Ph.D. student in the UK, to an Assistant Professor in Taiwan. The talk was titled: From Ph.D. Student to Assistant Professor: A summary of my (i) ongoing interests in psychological ownership and (ii) recent diversification into work-life (im)balance. In this presentation he provided his views on some of the key issues and considerations Ph.D. students might want to consider, as they come to the end of their Ph.D. student and think about applying for academic positions. David also provided a summary of some of the work he has been doing, on psychological ownership and work-life balance.
Don't forget...
The next Ph.D. forum event will be on 15th October, from 12:10 to 13:30. Dr. Li-Kuo Sung from Peking University HSBC Business School will present his talk 'How to plan your early career in academic research' (Room CM1036).