Why did you decide to study a Ph.D. in the Institute of Human Resource Management?
There were two main factors guiding my choice: (1) availability of the English Language PhD Program in management and supportive advisor; and (2) location - South of Taiwan. In 2013 I was looking for an English Language PhD program in management in the South of Taiwan and at that time there were few options.
While exploring my options and visiting over four different universities in the South of Taiwan I met Professor Jaw at the Institute of HRM in December 2013. He was the only Professor who was optimistic about my research ideas and encouraged me to apply. He supported my application for a place on the PhD program at the Institute of HRM in 2014.
What are your research interests and what is the practical value to HRM of your work?
My current research interests relate to cross-cultural management, diversity management and HRM in Taiwanese international organizations.
Has the Ph.D. Program in the Institute of HRM been successful in developing your knowledge of Human Resource Management and research in this area?
Absolutely Yes. (1) The combination of courses and industry visits/interactions offered during my studies at the Institute of HRM has given me a chance to learn more and understand how identifying and exploring gaps in research can be relevant both for academia and practice.
(2) I was encouraged and given an opportunity by my advisor Professor Jaw to engage with local and international students at NSYSU as a teaching assistant and as an invited speaker. This was a positive learning experience, allowing me to interact with the students and design and deliver a lecture class.
Have you engaged with the international research community overseas during your Ph.D.?
In addition to meeting many invited guest speakers at our university, I have been encouraged by my Professors and PhD classmates to participate in local and international conferences as part of my PhD training/study. I have learnt a lot about the conference paper submission process, and the types of conferences relevant to my study. I have also learnt about how to seek funding opportunities for PhD students. Since then I have attended several local and international conferences, financially supported by the Institute of HRM, NSYSU and Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) travel scholarships.
During your Ph.D. have you learnt about the process of writing academic research papers and publishing in SSCI listed journals?
Yes. Since the first year I have started to develop my writing and research skills and submit research papers to the journals. Through the learning process of writing and rewriting several papers I have learnt a lot. I have published with my professors and coauthors and have several more works in progress.
Overall, how would you describe your experience of studying on the Ph.D. program at the Institute of Human Resource Management?
Overall I have had a great studying experience so far, and am enjoying my academic work and life at NSYSU. Since joining the PhD program at the Institute of HRM and working with Professor Jaw and his team, I have developed my academic and teaching abilities, professional networks and made many good friends from the PhD program.