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The latest news and achievements from our program

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Why did you decide to study a Ph.D. in the Institute of Human Resource Management? 

When I look back, it is surprising to see how much I have changed during the years I have spent studying on the Ph.D. program. Before Joining, I had no idea about research. I decided to apply for a place on the Ph.D. program in human resource management, because I was interested in learning more about the field of Leadership & organizational theory. The Institute of HRM had Professors with good knowledge of these areas. I have been working with Professor Jin Feng Uen (now at National Chiao Tung Univesity, Taiwan) since 2013. During these years, I have gone from being a student to being a researcher - and it was all because of the guidance I received from my amazing advisors.

Rama Vandavasi (Advisors: Professor J.F. Uen and Professor S.J. Chen)

In addition to working with Professor Uen, I have had the opportunity to work with Professor McConville (assistant professor in Institute of Human Resource Management). I am working with him on different projects, as he is interested in HR/OB and work psychology fields. From Professor McConville, I have learned how to develop a new research project and write a research paper for publication in SSCI journals.

What are your research interests and what is the practical value to HRM of your work? 

I am primarily interested in job crafting, which describes situations where employees take action to change and develop the roles, responsibilities and management of their job. Some of my research so far has shown that employees who are able to craft their job are more committed and engaged to the organization, and more innovative in their work. My currently research relates to how job crafting relates to individual and team level engagement. These are areas that interest me.

Has the Ph.D. Program in the Institute of HRM been successful in developing your knowledge of Human Resource Management and research in this area? 

My experience of studying for a Ph.D. at NSYSU has improved me in a number of ways. Completing different courses such as HRM, OB and research methodology, has strengthened my technical and writing abilities. NSYSU feels like a big community; you quickly grow familiar with the faculty and other research students. The Institute of HRM has impressed me with their excellence in research, and the incredible Professors who have guided me through the process of writing research paper and submitting them for publication in SSCI journals. I have obtained invaluable skills that I think will be useful for my future career when conducting research and cooperating with others.

Have you engaged with the international research community overseas during your Ph.D.?

I have attended two international conferences. The first was the Asia Academy of Management Conference in Hong Kong (2015), and the second was the Human Resource International Conference in Sydney, Australia (2016). Conferences are an important part of my research to learn new topics. Attending conferences and presenting papers will have an important effect on my career. It is a great opportunity to network with other scholars from different Universities.

I have also attended to several seminars conducted by the College of Management, NSYSU. From those seminars, I have understood how to conduct good research, and the process of publishing in international SSCI journals. These seminars have also helped me to identify high impact research areas and where I can focus my attention as I learn more about emerging HRM theories and methods. Most importantly, I have gained confidence as a researcher.

During your Ph.D. have you learnt about the process of writing academic research papers and publishing in SSCI listed journals? 

I have several working papers. They include:

  • Vandavasi, R.K.K., McConville, D., Uen, J. F., Yepuru, P. Knowledge sharing, shared leadership and innovative behaviour: A cross-level analysis. International journal of Manpower. (Revise and Resubmit Decision);

  • McConville, D., Uen, J. F., Vandavasi, R.K.K., Tseng, T.C. Transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behaviour in the hospitality industry: The role of collective psychological ownership. (Under Review);

  • Uen, J. F., McConville, D., Vandavasi, R.K.K., Wu, K.W. Do Employee Perceptions of Needs-Supply Fit Impact Job Satisfaction and Job Search Behavior? (Under Review).

Overall, how would you describe your experience of studying on the Ph.D. program at the Institute of Human Resource Management? 

My experience in the Institute of Human Resource Management has given me a chance to improve my subject knowledge, research skills and academic writing abilities. I have developed networks, and grown in confidence. I strongly believe my experience from the Institute of Human Resource Management will help me in the future when I pursue my career.


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