Ph.D. student Chin Tung Stewart Ng successfully obtained funding from the Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) to attend and present his paper at the 2019 European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference in Lisbon, Portugal.
The conference took place between 26-28th June, 2019. The co-authors included Stewart's advisor, Professor I-Heng Chen.
This is Stewart's first academic conference presentation since joining the Ph.D. program. Congratulations Stewart!
Reference: Hsien Chun Chen, I Heng Chen, Chin Tung Stewart Ng, Chong Ru Liu. (2019). When And Why People Engage In Self-Management Behavior: Interactive Effects Of Guilt-Awareness And Sense Of Belonging. European Academy of Management Conference. Lisbon, Portugal, 26-28th June, 2019.